We are proud to be a local authority maintained school. As part of this structure, we have a governing body in place that provides strategic leadership and accountability for our school. The role of the governing body is key to the effectiveness of our school. Our governors are highly committed, well-informed, and hold high expectations in helping our school leaders to set the vision and values for our school.
Our governors come from a wide range of backgrounds and have a range of skills that they use well to support and challenge the Co-Headteachers and wider leadership team. They come from a broad range of backgrounds including health care, finance, education, health & safety, and business, and bring with them a key skill-set which supports the school in the following aims:
• Ensuring that the vision, ethos, and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined.
• Ensuring that the Co-Headteachers perform their responsibilities for the educational performance of the school.
• Ensuring the sound, proper, and effective use of the school’s financial resources.
• To help the school provide the best possible education for its pupils by supporting and challenging the school’s leadership team, ensuring accountability, and offering a strategic overview in line with the school’s agreed vision and values.
Our governors are passionate about ensuring that Latimer provides an excellent education for the children it serves both now and in the future; they regularly attend meetings and visit the school to support its work and development.