Our school meals are supplied by Leicestershire School Food Support Service, who provide healthy, balanced hot lunches for schools across the county.
All children in EYFS and Key Stage 1 (Reception Year, Year 1 and Year 2) are entitled to a ‘universal free school meal’.
In Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 & 6), meals cost £2.80 per child per day. These are paid for on Arbor.
Children can choose on a daily basis whether they would like a hot school dinner or whether they want to bring in a packed lunch from home – as part of the register each morning staff check which lunch option pupils would like for the day.
Whatever year group your child is in, you may be entitled to ‘Free School Meals’ if you are on a low household income or entitled to certain benefits.
Being eligible for free school meals means that the school will also be given ‘pupil premium funding’ for your child, which we use to support their learning and to help you pay for the cost of trips, residential visits and breakfast club sessions at the school. So don’t delay! – or wait until Year 3! – find out more by clicking on the following links:
FSM Entitlement Information for Parents