Before and After School Care

“The ethos of care extends beyond the school day, with before- and after-school care providing a calm, happy place. Pupils enjoy healthy food, a wide range of activities and additional time with friends.” [Ofsted 2019]

Breakfast Club and After School Club provide wraparound childcare from 7:30am until 6:00pm in the evening.  All pupils are welcome to attend and can be booked onto these services via Arbor.

The services are ran by Latimer staff and so pupils are given the opportunity to read with an adult or complete their homework with support, as well as having fun and playing with friends.

From August 2024 the following prices will apply:

Wraparound Childcare Service Session times Price per session
Breakfast Club (includes food) 7:30 to 8:35am £4.00
After School Club half session (no food) 3:15 to 4:15pm £6.00
After School Club full session (with food) 3:15 to 6:00pm £12.00

Please use the following link to access information from GOV.UK about tax free childcare, which some of our parents find really useful in helping towards the cost of Breakfast & After School Club:

Get Tax-Free Childcare: step by step – GOV.UK (