At Latimer Primary School, our curriculum aims to support both academic achievement and personal development, preparing our children well for the next stage of their education and beyond. We strive to provide an engaging, relevant and broad curriculum which equips our children with the knowledge, skills and personal qualities necessary to lead a fulfilling and rewarding life.
Our curriculum is built around the objectives set out in the EYFS Framework, the National Curriculum for all subjects in Years 1 to 6 and the Locally Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.
Curriculum Design
Our curriculum has been designed to provide pupils with a clear, progressive framework of skills, knowledge and understanding that build sequentially year on year.
To inspire our pupils to be responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society, we have chosen a range of topics, influential people and themes that provide our young learners with a reflection of our modern and diverse world.
Our curriculum design also includes many links to the local area to help develop a sense of pride in our locality and to make good use of the rich history, geography and RE learning opportunities that Anstey, Bradgate Park and the city of Leicester offer.
Our school values, ‘The Simple Truths’, are also interwoven into our curriculum design. Careful analysis of our local area and many years of experience have helped us to build a deep understanding of our local demographic and the needs of our community. This analysis, intertwined with our ethos of ‘developing responsibility’ and ‘caring about achievement’, has further helped us to shape our curriculum.
The development of a rich vocabulary is structured clearly within our curriculum, ensuring that pupils have the understanding of the words needed to access high quality texts, contribute to discussions and share their own views and opinions. A rich and varied vocabulary will prepare our learners for their future education. Language will be explicitly taught throughout all areas of learning and vocabulary enhanced.
We believe our curriculum to be ambitious and inclusive to all pupils, giving them the knowledge and cultural capital that they need to succeed in their next steps in education. Where necessary, individual adaptations are made to meet the needs of all children, including those with SEND.