British Values

Developing Responsibility; Caring about Achievement: British Values in our Curriculum  

At Latimer we do not consider the British Values to just belong to Britain alone, they form the basis of a civilised society and community. Our Simple Truths are central to our school ethos and mirror the British Values.   


Democracy: Throughout school our children develop their understanding of how they can influence decision making in school through democratic processes. We have an active School Council and Eco-Committee who regularly seek opinions and feedback on developments to the school. Our History Curriculum explores the concept of rulers throughout History; Our Year 5 Children visit the Houses of Parliament and take part in workshops about democracy delivered by the Parliament Education Service whilst our Year 6 Children learn about the importance of Speeches to influence others. Identify, society and democracy is an explicit thread in our PSHE learning.  

Rule of Law

Rule of Law: The rule of law is taught every day throughout our social interactions and our behaviour policy. It is reflected in the emotional coaching conversations that adults have with children or in reminding pupil’s about school rules and boundaries. The importance of the Rule of Law is taught explicitly through the PSHE curriculum where children learn about how laws are made, the local council and the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child. Rule of Law is reflected in our Simple Truth of ‘I take Responsibility’.  

Individual Liberty

Individual liberty is about the rights to believe, act and express oneself freelyAt Latimer we are proud to be a founding member of the Global Equalities Collective to support the development of diversity and inclusion in the classroom. We promote individual liberty throughout our assemblies, making use of the ‘No Outsiders’ assembly resources and explicitly teach about the rights to express yourself freely through our PSHE thread of ‘Identify’ which focuses on belonging and similarities and differences. Individual liberty is promoted through our Simple Truth of ‘We are all equal but different’.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance

Mutual Respect and Tolerance: The value of mutual respect and tolerance is woven throughout the curriculum and is explicitly taught within our e-safety, religious education and PSHE curriculums. Throughout our RE curriculum children encounter different beliefs, and visit different places of worship. In PSHE and E-Safety curriculums they are taught to be respectful of each other, to behave safely online and how to work and play co-operatively. Mutual Respect and Tolerance reflects our Simple Truth of ‘We are all different but equal’.